The Secret Tory is a Conservative, national treasure and service station enthusiast.

Twitter: @secrettory12



One of Waterstones top Humour Books of 2022

The question on everyone’s lips. Who is the Secret Tory?

Secret Tory is a Conservative, national treasure and service station enthusiast. They are purported to be a sitting member of the UK Parliament and have been leaking reams of sensitive information from the heart of the Conservative government for the last three years.

A modern day polymath, they enjoy bloodsports, destabilising liberal democracy and several non-executive directorships, including one at Southern Water where they claim to have been responsible for over three-hundred beach closures in 2022 alone. They currently hold the Conservative Party conference 'WKD Blue Challenge' title, after decimating Ken Clarke's infamous seven bottle record which had stood for thirteen years. 

Surprisingly literate, The Secret Tory is also behind the trenchant and insightful Papua New Guinea Courier, also available via his twitter page. The Secret Tory is working on a new book.



Diary of a Secret Tory book cover

The Diary of a Secret Tory MP

The bestselling Diary of a Secret Tory MP lifts the lid on one of the biggest periods of upheaval in recent memory (certainly since Nick Clegg broke George Osbourne's printer at the treasury) - the last twelve months of British politics. When asked 'Why?' the Secret Tory replied "Out of a sense of duty, honour and a very strong desire to cash in.”


Lizzie Waterworth


Rosalind Moody