The Black Curriculum


The Black Curriculum is a social enterprise founded in 2019 by young people to address the lack of Black British history in the UK Curriculum.



The Black Curriculum is a social enterprise founded in 2019 by young people to address the lack of Black British history in the UK Curriculum. They believe that by delivering arts focused Black history programmes, providing teacher training and campaigning through mobilising young people, they can help facilitate the social change needed for a more inclusive world. 

Their programmes are for young people aged 8-16 and aim to equip young people with a sense of identity, and the tools for a diverse landscape. They are working towards changing the national curriculum and building a sense of identity in every young person in the UK.

They have been featured in the BBCGuardianMetroTelegraphCNN and Vogue



The Black Curriculum series was published with DK in 2022.


Heather Lyons


Nick Moyle